The local community is a core focus for Akku. We understand that transparent and early communication and consideration of all stakeholders’ views are crucial. Moreover, we want to make this a project that the community supports and is involved in from the start.
The municipalities of Pertunmaa and Mäntyharju are renowned for their natural beauty and are popular holiday destinations within the Finnish Lakeland area. The area is well-known for summerhouses due to the vast number of lakes, the population increases significantly during the summer months, and tourism is an essential industry.
Ours must be a sustainable business that can contribute to the further development of the local area whilst maintaining its attraction as a pristine area to live and visit. Our work must be done sustainably and consider any impact on the local environment and the concerns and the expectations of the local community.
We will adopt the Finnish Standard for Sustainable Exploration and are committed to following the standard at all stages of exploration.
Exploration Licenses, Process and Timeline
The Mining Act in Finland is being reformed, and a consultation
on the draft of the new Act is currently underway.
The Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for the general guidance, monitoring, and development of activities under the Mining Act. The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) acts as the mining authority referred to in this Act. Tukes enforces compliance with the Mining Act, and as the mining authority makes decisions concerning the significant phases of exploration and mining permitting, which are;
Reservation Notification
Exploration Permits
Mining permits
Akku Minerals Oy has lodged a Reservation Notification which is valid for up to two years and is for the purpose of preparing an application for an exploration permit.
For more information see; Plans for opening a mine near my neighbourhood are in the works. What can I do?
Sustainable Mining
Akku Minerals’ mission is to address the clean energy minerals supply problem
of the EU by identifying local mineral deposits that can be explored, extracted and processed sustainably.
We are well placed in Finland to follow best practices for the industry.
We will adopt the Finnish Standard for Sustainable Exploration.
The guiding principles of The Finnish Standard for Sustainable Exploration are listed below.
The operations of the companies are transparent.
The companies will adhere to best practices in exploration and commit to the continuous improvement of their operations.
The companies will minimise any negative impacts of their operations on local communities, the environment and biodiversity.
The companies will respect the surrounding community and its culture and ways of life.
The companies will engage in active dialogue with their communities of interest and involve these in the development of the principles for sustainable exploration.
The companies will not jeopardise the health and safety of their employees or local communities.
The companies will complete any after-care measures of their exploration activities responsibly.
More information is available here: